Saturday, December 22, 2007

MOVIE: I Am Legend

Will Smith is the last man on Earth.

The reason of Robert Neville's (Will Smith) being the last person on earth is because a couple of years before a woman Dr. Alice Krippin (played by the wonderful Emma Thompson) has found the cure for cancer. The cure becomes a virus and has started to turn some infected people into, sort of zombie type of monsters, and it kills or infects 99% of the population. Neville is the last healthily survivor because his blood can't be infect by this virus. The only person, or animal that keeps him from losing his mind his his German Shepherd Sam. During the day, Neville roams the empty streets of New York chasing a pack of deers for food in his red mustang and waiting at the Pier waiting for survivors after he broadcasts a message to anyone that they are not alone. When the sun goes down that's his when things get scary. The people, if we can still call them that, that are still alive but just infect they roam the streets because the sun hurts there skin and only at night can they hunt. During One night Neville is out trying to kill has much of the infect has he can and almost dies, but is saved at the last minute by a Woman (Alice Braga) and her son. Neville finds out that that their are people out there. But something goes wrong and the monster finds out where the three are and set a large attack there trying to kill them.

With I Am Legend we see that Will Smith can for sure lead a one man show. As the last survivor left in New York, Robert Neville (played by Will Smith) is the one trying to find the cure. The story circles around a cure that was suppose to cure cancer as now back fired and now makes the ones who where injected, infected. Over the course of the film we find out the back story of Robert Neville and his family on the day of the evacuation of New York. Then we go through a wild ride of great scenery and sound that makes you on the edge of your seat. It makes us care about the characters which every film should do. While I have more to say good about this movie it does at times seem like it is dragging on and seem boring. Other that that I really enjoyed this film. I would recommend, I Am Legend.

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