Tuesday, January 01, 2008

DVD: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Seasons 1 & 2 (TV)

Always Sunny in Philadelphia has always been one of my favorite show on television right now. Always Sunny to me feels like a Arrested Development type of show with great characters and dialogue.

There's not that many show that will use anything thing offensive to anyone, but Always Sunny In Philadelphia does and takes it to the extreme. But Everything is done in the funniest way and that's what makes this shows so great. The characters Charlie, Mac and brother and sister Dennis and Dee fill up the season one cast has they work at the Pub they own and just live their lives in Philadelphia. At the beginning of the second season Danny DeVito comes into the show and plays Dennis and Dee's father.

Let me start off by talking about the first season of Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Its hilarious, from the first episode I was hooked and never turned back. Overall out of the first season I must say my favorite episode would have to have been between two, the first one being "Charlie Wants an Abortion" or "The Gang gets Racist" (the second is the pilot) both have very big laughs and extremely well written.

At the start of the second season Danny DeVito's character comes in, this was because FX wanted to get more viewers so they wanted a big name. First I was skeptical about bring him into an already hilarious show I thought he might ruin a good thing. After a couple of episode I must say he held his own and got me laughing a couple of times. The second season to me is by far the better of the two. Out of the second season my favorite episode would have to be out of a few, "Charlie gets Crippled" and "One-Hundred Dollar Baby" and finally "Charlie Goes America All Over Everyone's Asses." Each one of the episodes has its very funny moments, like my favorite line from 100 dollar, "Let me eat your babies, bitch." I laughed so hard I almost cried.

With Always Sunny In Philadelphia on the air I will always be a happy camper. Its by far one of my favorite of television shows out there that are still going and I can not wait for more episode from the gang. I Strong Recommend watching Always Sunny In Philadelphia.


The Always Sunny In Philadelphia DVD is presented in Full Frame 1.33:1 with English Dolby Surround. Along with English, Spanish and French subtitles. The features are included:
  • Scenes from the Original Pilot.
  • Audio Commentary by Cast and Crew on Selected Episodes.
  • Sunny Side Up Making Of Featurette.
  • The Gangs F*#!s Up Outtakes.
  • Fox Movie Channel Presents Making A Scene: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
  • Kaitlin Audition Featurette.

The whole DVD of Always Sunny In Philadelphia is good, the commentary is funny along with the outtakes. The Making of featurette is a nice little edition. The real thing on the DVD is the episodes, the whole show is great. Easily this is I am Strongly Recommending this DVD as a Buy.

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