Tuesday, January 01, 2008

DVD: Eastern Promises

Once again David Cronenberg and Viggo Mortensen and team up again. (there last movie together was A History Of Violence)

Viggo Mortensen plays Nikolai a driver for Kirill (played by Vincent Cassel) who is apart of the Russian mob/family organization. When I young girl by the name of Tatiana dies after he has given birth to a girl. Anna (played by Naomi Watts) finds her diary, in it is a card to a Russian Restaurant. She goes to the Russian restaurant to get help with the translation, and meets the owner named Semyon (Armin Mueller-Stahl), who is the father of Kirill. He tells him about the diary at then and there he becomes very interested in the diary. During the course of the movie Anna tries to fix the wrongs and try to find the family of the baby. This baby though could bring down this organization.

Eastern Promises starts off very intense and and it doesn't let go the story is very intense. Might I add if your squeamish at the sight of blood than be prepared because there is some parts that are dark.

With that said and out of the way I must say that this has to be one of Viggo Mortensen best performance to date. The accent he uses is spot on it brings his character to life.

There was one issue I had was the movie and it was that I thought that at times I thought the movie would get very slow, and maybe sometimes during that some people would get bored. I admit at one time I was getting there but I held it out and at the end of the movie I like it. I would Recommend Eastern Promises.


The DVD I must admit does have that much to grab on too. The DVD has about two features the clock in around less than 20 minutes.

With the DVD so bare its hard for me to recommend this, but good thing the movie was good. Overall Eastern Promise DVD is a Rent.

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