Saturday, August 18, 2007

DVD: Disturbia

Disturbia starring Shia LaBeouf (Holes, Transformers and TV Series "Even Stevens") stars as Kale a trouble young teenager who is sentenced to house arrested after an attack that could have landed him in juvie. As Kale is stuck in the house he gets bored and starts to watch the routines of the local neighborhood in till two things happen. One a young teenage girl (Sarah Roemer) moves in and catches his views a couple of times. As they become friends both her and Kale spot some suspicious things happening next door with his other next door neighbor played by David Morse. It soon becomes a game of the boy who cried wolf. Could something be happening or is it just his imagination?

In the tradition of one of Hitchcock's best Rear Window, Disturbia is a voyeur type of story and the suspense comes from watching others when you can feel they are about to go or already in danger. If you have never seen the movie Rear Window I recommend that before I can ever recommend this for anyone. Nonetheless, Disturbia is a decent film, it does have a lot of the stuff that maded Rear Window great. There are good scenes of suspense that had me on the edge of my seat.

Shia LaBeouf is becoming one of my favorite new actors, he can actually star in a action film and can also act at the same time. He's really making a good name for himself. In Disturbia he continues. I thought he did do a good job, but he does also have other good actors around him David Morse, Carrie-Anne Moss and someone who I never have heard of but I liked her was Sarah Roemer which make it a enjoyable experience.

D.J. Caruso was the director and was also the director of another other thriller Taking Lives and Two for the Money. I didn't like Taking Lives but this got me on his side with Disturbia. I thought the scenes of Kale watching his neighbor David Morse through the binoculars nearing the end was very suspenseful and I like that. One of the other writer who co-writer Carl Ellsworth who also wrote the story for the thriller Red Eye which I liked too.

Disturbia is a good and decent film. The only thing I had a problem with was some scenes seemed to me too fake and they came from a cheesy book, especially a scene between Sarah Roemer's character and Shia LeBouf's character but that's not really a big problem just something I had beef with nothing that should change my opinion of the movie. Overall this is a good movie and it is Recommended.

DVD Features

Disturbia is presented in Widescreen format and is Enhanced for 16x9 Television. The Audio is in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround EX, French 5.1 Surround EX and Spanish 5.1 Surround EX. Subtitles come in English, French and Spanish. The Features in the DVD are:
  • Commentary by Director D.J. Caruso and Cast Members Shia LaBouf and Sarah Roemer.
  • Deleted Scenes.
  • The Making of Disturbia.
  • Serial Pursuit Trivia Pop-Up Quiz.
  • Outtakes.
  • Music Video - "Don't Make Me Wait"- This World Fair.
  • Photo Gallery.
  • And More.

The DVD of Disturbia is a pretty well packed DVD. The commentary was OK same with the delete scenes. Everything else on the DVD was watchable and it is a nicely packed DVD. So If you haven't seen Disturbia I would recommend this DVD as a Buy.

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