Friday, April 18, 2008

MOVIE: The Forbidden Kingdom

The Forbidden Kingdom stars action legends Jackie Chan (who plays Lu Yan) and Jet Li (tplaying the Monkey King and The Silent Monk) along with Michael Angarano, Yifei Liu (played Sparrow) and Collin Chou playing the Jade Warlord.

Well the main plot of The Forbidden Kingdom starts off with the Monkey King (Jet Li) causing mischief against the Jade Warlord, andThe Jade warlord challenges the Monkey King to a duel. During the duel the Jade Warlord (Collin Chou) turns the Monkey King into stone just after the Monkey King casts his staff away.

Switch to sort of present day and we see Jason (played by Michael Angarano). He get out of bed and goes to a store in China town to buy some kung fu movies (this is were we see Jackie Chan playing the shop owner). Afterwards he gets chased after by as group of bullies and Jason is ends up inside The Forbidden Kingdom. Here he first meets Lu Yan (Jackie Chan) and they start a journey to help return the staff to his rightful owner. On the way they meet Sparrow (Yifei Liu) and the Silent Monk (played by Jet Li).

As being a big Jackie Chan Fan some could thing that this is a no brain of which way I might swing, but I much say that I did enjoy it but there are some issues I had with the movie. Although overall did I enjoyed The Forbidden Kingdom very much. Throughout the movie I was smiling from ear to ear in amazement.

First the good. Over and over, film after film Woo-ping Yuen always delivers when It comes to the choreography. Jackie Chan and Jet Li both are excellent during there selection of fight scenes with the best of course being when the two fought each other. I thought a lot of the scenes were really funny from when both Chan and Li were teaching Jason some kung fu, and even the "rain"scene put halfway into the movie. I also like Jet Li's version of the Monkey King I thought he was hilarious at some of the scenes, and really entertaining to watch.

As for what I disliked about the movie was a couple things. First I thought the direction could have been done a little better. Also in the beginning the actors that were picking on the main character couldn't act worth a damn, and I thought that the kid Michael Angarano was iffy, nothing that great. Shadowed by the real stars of the show Jet Li and Jackie Chan. Another think I must note is that I thought that the romance scenes really didn't need to be there. I don't understand why there always has to be at least some of a romance plot in movie that it obviously bogs down the rest of the story.

The Forbidden Kingdom was a wonderful movie I enjoyed very much. To see Jet Li and Jackie Chan attack each other with different style was very exciting, and could be one of funniest and entertaining fight scene for awhile. I would Strongly Recommend The Forbidden Kingdom.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

DVD: Sunshine

Sunshine stars Cliff Curtis, Cillian Murphy, Michelle Yeoh, Hiroyuki Sanada, Rose Byrne, Benedict Wong, Chris Evans, Troy Garity with the voice of Chipo Chung. Sunshine is directed by Danny Boyle and written by Alex Garland.

Eight men and women are on a spaceship known as the Icarus II, to reignite the sun which is dying. On the way towards the sun the long period of time of the group being stuck together is taking there toll. As they reach Mercury they get a S.O.S call from the first Icarus.

The first thing that I was exited for was the cast, the cast who includes some great actors like Cillian Murphy (The Wind that Shakes the Barley), Michelle Yeoh(Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), Hiroyuki Sanada (from Rush Hour 3 and The Last Samurai) and others. Its cool to see Cillian Murphy to be back together with Danny Boyle, They worked together back in 2002 on 28 Days Later.

One thing I was reminded of was obviously Stanley Kubrick's great masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey. In respects, the most one thing that I was reminded of was the computer of the spaceship Icarus II which is much like HAL in 2001. Also I know for sure I found at least one similar, if not exactly the same shots.

I really liked this movie, but the only thing that bugged me was at the point when Icarus II docked with Icarus I, and when Robert Capa (Cillian Murphy) and Mace (Chris Evans) get back on board their ship. From here the movie turns into becoming a very entertaining Sci-fi movie and switching into a Horror movie with Capt. Pinbacker showing up. At this point I was sort of taken away from the whole thing, but I still thought that It was still entertaining for the most part.

Overall I enjoyed Sunshine while towards the end of the movie it started to end downhill. There was more good in the movie then there was bad in my opinion. I Recommend Sunshine.


The DVD of Sunshine is packed with two Commentaries from the Director Danny Boyle and the other from a Professor from the University of Manchester named Dr. Brian Cox. Other features are deleted scenes with commentary by Danny Boyle. Along with a Trailer and two Short Films.

Everything on this DVD is a pretty well packed with features. Both Commentaries go with the movie very well, equally they both have some great insight in the movie. The two short films are too much like the movie I thought was entertaining. The DVD of Sunshine is a Recommended Buy.

DVD: Dragon Wars (D-Wars)

Dragon Wars, or D-Wars, stars Jason Behr, Amanda Brooks, Robert Forster, Aimee Garcia and is Written and Directed by Hyung-rae Shim.

D-Wars (or Dragon Wars) is based on a Korean folklore, about dragons. We follow a journalist Ethan (Jason Behr) who is somehow connected to the folklore story. We find out that he is the reincarnation of a apprentice of a master from back in the 1500s in Korea, and is job is to protect a 20 year old woman (known as Yeouijoo) who has a dragon mark on her shoulder from the Evil Imoogi, (that the Dragon) Buraki.

The day when the Evil Buraki rises again is drawing near as Sarah (played by Amanda Brooks) is about to turn 20. Ethan along with his camera man Bruce (Craig Robinson) finds Sarah just in time to save her from the giant serpent. All three time to run from this evil force all alwhile their is a war between the Dragon's followers against the army.

When I first saw the trailer for Dragon Wars, I must admit that I was a little of bit interested (at least it wasn't another sequel or anything of that matter). The movie is something that gave a fresh experience from seems like a year with very few original concepts out there. But from an entertaining point this is were the movie sort of goes down in a downward spiral.

Dragon Wars is not that well good in the casting spots of the movie, the actors Jason Behr and Amanda Brooks (who at first thought was Alison Lohman from the movie Matchstick Men, but then Alison Lohman can actually act. So that got crossed out). The movie also has Craig Robinson who I like in The Office (US version) hes really funny in that show. But the two leads Behr and Brooks I thought did a horrendous job of actimg in Dragon Wars.

I hate how trailer promotes that this was an action movie, but to then watch the movie and find out it had only good action in the last parts of the movie and they took that footage for the trailer. I remembered as I was watching the beginning where its placed in Korea and the Evil army is attacking, they have these lizard monsters with cannons on their backs, I thought this was just an extension of the Star Wars Episode I, Gungan vs Trade Federation battle.

Overall I wasn't impressed with Dragon Wars. I saw it and with about a couple minutes I'll most likely forget all about this movie. Dragon Wars (D-Wars) is a Skip.


Dragon Wars DVD has as features: "5,000 years in the Making: Featurette; DRAGON WARS Animatics: From Storyboard to Screen; Conceptual Art Gallery.

The DVD features are very short the only reasonable feature I though was watchable was the "Making of" feature, it has the Director Hyung-rae Shim talk to a crowd of fans in Korea about his journey of making this film. It runs for about 18 minutes long. The other features has sort of a spilt screen between the story board pictures and the actual movie footage. Overall I thought the DVD portion was very week, not even Commentary by Hyung-rae Shim. This DVD much like the movie is a Skip.