Thursday, January 03, 2008

DVD: Superbad (2 Disc Unrated)

Superbad stars Michael Cera and Jonah Hill and is directed by Greg Mottola and written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg.

Seth (Joanh hill) and Evan (played by Michael Cera) are about to finish their years in high school. Before leaving to college, Evan is going to a school called Dartmouth and Seth must separate from him and go to a local college, both of them want to get laid (much like every other teen high school movie). There are girls who both are attracted to, Evan is attracted to Becca (played by Martha MacIsaac) and Seth thinks that a girl named Jules (played by Emma Stone) wants to get with him. During a class, their buddy Fogell (played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse) comes in to tell them about how he just hit on a girl in the hall and also that he is getting his fake ID sometime today. Just after class Jules tells Seth that's she's having a party and if he wants to come, he accepts tells her that he's getting an ID today too. She asks Seth if he then can get them beer for the party. While both Seth and Evan are waiting for Fogell to come with an ID so that he can get the beer. They find out that he did get an ID but when he showed them the ID says that he is McLovin. Fogell goes to get them beer and gets punched and taken in by two cops, Officer Slater (played by Bill Hader) and Officer Michael's (played by one of the writers Seth Rogen). So Evan and Seth go on a journey to get themselves some beer and get in the good graces of the two girls at the party so they can get laid.

I am a huge fan of the television show of Arrested Development, and am glad too see two people from that show contribute to this movie, Greg Mottola who has directed a couple of episodes of the show and Michael Cera who plays the character George-Michael Bluth. So knowing that I was very happy to go and see this movie, while I too like Jonah Hill and Seth Rogan fron Knocked Up.

Starting off Superbad, for about the first thirty minutes of the movie the language could turn off a lot of people because they character talk very dirty, with profanity and sexual references. During this section of the movie I would admit I laughed more here than I did with the rest of the movie. After this section of the movie, for me I thought its were it sort of went below my expectations. I wasn't finding a lot of the scenes funny and the two cops for me felt that they were out of place.

I didn't find Superbad as funny as most people are giving it credit for, I think its overrated. I thought that the first quarter of the movie was greatly written and enjoyed it only after that was I getting restless waiting till the end of the movie. While I enjoyed the beginning it was hard for me to recommend this movie, but I'm just barley Recommending Superbad.


The DVD of the 2-Disc Unrated version of Superbad comes fully packed with tons of special features. The features are Deleted Scenes, Gag Reel, Line-O-Rama, Cop Car Confessions - Ride Along with Clark County's Finest, The Making Of Superbad, Original Table Read 2002 - Seth Rogen Reads the parts of "Seth", Commentary with the Filmmakers and Cast!, A Sneak of Pineapple Express. That's what's on all addition of the Superbad DVDs. Exclusive to the 2-Disc is Cast Audition Footage, Press Junket Meltdown, The Music of Superbad, Everyone Hates Michael Cera - The Unfortunate True Story and On-set Diaries.

The DVD feature are along worth of a purchase. The guys who put this DVD together really did an amazing job. Some of the features are in my opinion funnier than some parts of the movie. This is truly something and DVD fan can sink their teeth into and get full enjoyment out of this DVD. I would recommend this DVD of Superbad as a Buy.

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