Thursday, December 20, 2007

DVD: Severance

Some workers from a weapons company of Palisade Defence are heading up into the Eupoean mountians to fort up in a local cabin to work on there team building skills. As they make there way up the bus that they are riding on breaks down (of course). They decided to walk up to the cabin. When they reach the cabin it seem that they have been taken to the worst cabin anyone could have made. As they try to make the best of the sistuation they relize that that are now upcoming victums of a war crazed killer going to try to kill the whole gang.

While I was watching Severance right off from the beginning I started to enjoy this movie, I thought it was really funny exspectally most of Danny Dyer who played Steve scenes. The dialouge in Severance is really smart funny and whitty, which is always a good thing. But while they get attacked by the killer for me it started to get a little bored with it, it started to feel like most of all the other killer movie like Hostel, Saw, etc. Yet overall this movie kept my attenion (barely), and I enjoyed some of the deaths and laughed at some of the jokes. My final vertict would be to Skip and maybe just wait for DVD.


The movie Severance is presented in 1.78:1 widescreen with English 5.1 and 2.0 Dolby Digital. With also Spanish Subtitles. The features include:
  • Commentary with Director, Cast and Crew.
  • The Making Of Severance.
  • Being Danny Dyer Featurette.
  • Deleted Scenes and Outtakes.
  • No So Special Effects Featurette.
  • The Genesis of Severance & Behind the Scenes.
  • Danny Fight Scene Training.
  • Alternate Ending Storyboard and much more.

The DVD of Severance is a solid piece of work while the movie alone is a little below expectations the DVD has a good amount of extras but sometimes that can't change the movie so with that the movie alone weight down I would have to say that the movie or DVD of Severence is only a Rent for me.

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